Covid Safety

Feeling Unwell?

Please do not attend the venue if you have a fever or any cold or flu-like symptoms. If you have even mild symptoms, please get tested then stay in isolation at home until you receive your result.

Physical Distance

Help us practice physical distancing. Please maintain a 1.5m distance from others. Each area is restricted to a limited number of people, which will be monitored.

Practice Good Hygiene

Hand sanitation stations are available at entrances and other locations around the centre. Please use them on entry and throughout your visit as required.

Wear Your Mask

It is mandatory that all patrons that can, wear a a fitted mask that covers the mouth and nose. As seating capacity allowances increase, 1.5m distancing measures inside the theatre are unable to be maintained, therefore, masks are to be worn inside the auditorium. Exceptions include children under 12 and people who have a medical exemption. Masks can be removed when consuming food, drink, or medication.

Entering & Exiting

Signage will be displayed to let you know the best way to enter and leave our venue. Please observe all instructions to ensure physical distancing.



To get in, you must sign in! All visitors must register using the Service Victoria QR codes provided upon entry. Our friendly staff will be available to help those who need assistance to check in.

Preferred Payment Method

In line with DHHS recommendations, contactless payment is preferred when making any purchases or payments.


Our staff and professional cleaners will be working around the clock to keep the facility clean for all our visitors.

Staggered Entries

For some events, you may be advised of an entry time for the event beforehand to ensure that congestion is reduced in the foyers and queues are manageable and safe.

Covid Safety Marshal

A designated Covid-Marshal will be monitoring compliance and instructing patrons on safety practices. Please approach them at any time if you have queries.

Trained in Covid Safety

Our staff have been instructed in correct procedures to ensure both the safety of our guests and of our staff. Please respectfully follow all their instructions.

Best Practice in Food & Beverage Service

Some changes have been made to food and drinks on offer to comply with recommendations to avoid shareable items and ‘serve yourself’ facilities. No food and drink except bottled water will be allowed inside the auditorium

Seating Plans

Please sit only in designated areas. Our event spaces have been measured and alternative seating plans devised for different events to ensure physical distancing. 

Standing Room Only

There will be no seating available in the foyer to minimise congestion and help us stay 1.5 metres apart, please leave this seating free for those who need it.

What If There Is A Confirmed Case?

The DHHS will make contact with us if a confirmed case has visited our venue whilst contagious. We will then provide DHHS with contact details (name and phone number) of staff, visitors, and customers that engaged with the facility for more than 15 minutes at the given date and time.

Additional Information

Our staff are happy to help with any queries you may have during your visit. You can also find important information on printed and digital signage around the facility.